Aims & Objectives

The aims and objectives of TUC include the following:

  • To organise and unite all senior staff associations in Nigeria
  • To promote and safeguard the economic and social welfare of its members, preserving and extending their rights within a just, free and democratic society
  • To secure equitable observance of all agreements reached between the TUC and employers of labour and among TUC members themselves
  • To promote and support legislations that are in the best interest of senior staff and their associations
  • To render such assistance as shall be consistent with members’ interests
  • To encourage the participation of members in commerce, industry, mines and agriculture at national and international levels, including the printing and publishing of the Congress’ newsletters, journals and books of any other variety.
  • To render all possible contributions to the well-being of the government and other employers of labour as would engender maximum productivity and economic sufficiency
  • To establish and promote cultural co-operation and positive social activities
  • To promote and encourage international fraternal relations with organisations that have similar interests as senior staff associations in Nigeria do
  • To undertake the education and enlightenment of its members through seminars, symposia, workshops, and the use of bulletins and educational pamphlets with a view to promoting the interests of senior staff associations in Nigeria
  • Such other aims and objectives as are lawful and not inconsistent with the spirit and practice of trade unionism.


The TUC presently has over 2.5 million members spread throughout the nooks and crannies of Nigeria, with 29 affiliates as at the last count. More affiliates are expected soon.

The Congress mainly relies on the monthly subscription from its affiliates for its income. Another source of income is revenue generated by its investment arm, the TUC Transport and Investment Company Limited (TUC T & I). Also grants are occasionally received from different multilateral agencies.


The day-to-day administration of TUC is done by its National Secretariat which is headed by the Secretary General who is now a full-time appointed staff assisted by the Deputy Secretary General, departmental heads and other staff.

The National Secretariat is directly supervised by the National Administrative Council (NAC) which is the lowest organ of the Congress and made up of all elected national officers, the Secretary General, and the Deputy Secretary General.  The NAC reports to the Central Working Committee (CWC) which in turn reports to the National Executive Council (NEC) made up of the members of NAC, the Presidents and General Secretaries of the Congress’ affiliates, and the principal officers of the State Councils of TUC.

The highest organ of the TUC is the National Delegates Conference. It has authority over every facet of the labour centre.

Press Release

The news about recent News, Articles and activities.

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