Women Commission


The Trade Union Congress of Nigeria (TUC) Women Commission consists of women from the unions affiliated to the Trade Union Congress of Nigeria (TUC). The Commission coordinates and encourages women participation in the activities of the Congress in particular and trade unionism in general.


To inspire, equip and mobilize women to take action that positively affects lives and society.


To improve the life of women folk in union, labour and leadership matter through increased social interaction and sharing of information.

TUC Women!
Our Gender!
Our Strength!


The Commission shall:
(i) Develop, prioritize and implement policies affecting women members
(ii) Develop strategies for defending and promoting the interests of Women workers
(iii) Monitoring progress towards establishing gender equality within the TUC organogram
(iv) Advise TUC Administrative Council, TUC State Councils, and affiliates on Women’s gender equality issues,
(v) Support the adoption and implementation of improved National and States’ legislation to protect and enhance the rights of Women and Girl Child and that the applications are well respected,
(vi) Establish and maintain links with trade union Women groups and other Women organizations, and
(vii) Further the objectives as set out in the TUC Constitution and ILO Statues on Women issues.


(i) TUC Women Commission shall maintain establish links and undertake concerned actions with other organizations that may assist in protecting and/or promoting the interest of the working women/girl child.

(ii) TUC Women Commission shall seek to build solidarity networks and to establish information and communication technology networks.

(iii) TUC Women Commission shall arrange women’s meetings as required in order to establish common policies and priorities for action to promote and co-ordinate their implementation.

(iv) TUC Women Commission may set up working groups to assist in its work, in particular to study specific issues, with a member of the TUC Committee acting as chair.

(v) TUC Women Commission shall undertake education and research activities collect and disseminate information at National, States and Affiliate level on issues of concern to the women members.

(vi) Women members of all affiliates of TUC shall have the right to participate in the activities of TUC Women Commission.


(i) TUC Women Commission shall maintain establish links and undertake concerned actions with other organizations that may assist in protecting and/or promoting the interest of the working women/girl child.

(ii) TUC Women Commission shall seek to build solidarity networks and to establish information and communication technology networks.

(iii) TUC Women Commission shall arrange women’s meetings as required in order to establish common policies and priorities for action to promote and co-ordinate their implementation.

(iv) TUC Women Commission may set up working groups to assist in its work, in particular to study specific issues, with a member of the TUC Committee acting as chair.

(v) TUC Women Commission shall undertake education and research activities collect and disseminate information at National, States and Affiliate level on issues of concern to the women members.

(vi) Women members of all affiliates of TUC shall have the right to participate in the activities of TUC Women Commission.


(i) The number of delegates and observers whom affiliates are entitled to send to TUC Women’s Conferences shall be in accordance with the number of delegate to TUC National Delegates.

(ii) The traveling and subsistence expenses of delegates and observers attending conferences and meetings organized for women shall be the responsibility of affiliates/State Councils concerned unless, in exceptional circumstances, TUC decides otherwise.


(i) The TUC Women’s Conference shall elect the OFFICERS of the TUC Women Commission. They shall ensure that there is a fair sectoral balance among these positions.

(ii) The term of office for the elected officers shall extend from the close of one (THREE year). Women’s Conference to the close of the next.

(iii) If the seat of any of the officers becomes vacant, there may be a by-election.


(i) The TUC-WC Chairperson shall be a full member of all TUC Organs, NAC, CWC and NEC
(ii) The TUC-WC Chairperson shall be entitled to attend all meetings convened by TUC and TUC-WC.
(iii) The TUC-WC Chairperson shall conduct Women’s Conferences business section and meetings in accordance with these rules and the general principles of the Standing Orders for the Conference.
(iv) In the absence of the TUC-WC Chairperson, the Vice-President shall preside with the same duties and authority as the Chairperson.

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